cepezed partner Ronald Schleurholts was a guest in the TV program Nieuw Amsterdam on AT5 to talk about the new building for Inholland in the Sluisbuurt.
Nieuw Amsterdam is a late-night talk show produced by Pakhuis De Zwijger and hosted by Jennifer Muntslag, featuring new initiatives and facts about the city. In the main item of the upcoming episode, urban planner Mirjana Milanovic, chief designer of the Sluisbuurt plan, talks about the current developments in the newly planned Amsterdam district. The first construction project to get off the ground is the new educational building designed by cepezed for Inholland. The design has been completed and preparations for construction are in full swing.
Ronald Schleurholts gave a glimpse in words and images of what the dynamic educational complex will look like and will connect with the future green living and working environment of the Sluisbuurt.
Watch the broadcast below!
ronald schleurholts talks about inholland on at5-tv