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recap event discover@cepezed

Some short visionary talks, the launch of a new cepezed publication, an exhibition in our new Building D(emountable) and a smashing drink where visitors chatted for a long time after. These elements paint the picture of last’s Friday event discover@cepezed. More than 75 partners and relations were offered a behind-the-scenes glimpse of our circular ways.


The festive gathering took place on the occasion of a number of combined milestones. cepezed has been working for five years from its location on the Ezelsveldlaan by now, our development branch cepezedprojects has been in business for ten years and the coordinators of cepezedbouwteam recently completed their first major project: Lan Handling Technologies. Moreover, on our own grounds, they are currently completing the circular Building D(emountable), while the columns that cepezed partner Ronald Schleurholts wrote for trade paper Cobouw were bundled in a nicely designed leporello.


The meeting was attended by a variety of people including clients, design partners, construction partners, consultants, journalists and so on. The central focus was on cepezed’s constant pursuit of innovation and of a more sustainable, flexibile and professional construction industry.

lucas van der wee | cepezed
lucas van der wee | cepezed
lucas van der wee | cepezed
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