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Lezing Paddy Sieuwerts: ‘(r)evolutie in architectuur?’

Is there a revolution going on with the rising of remountable buildings? This question will be answered by Paddy Sieuwerts, partner at cepezed, next Thursday evening at the renowned German Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich. The lecture can be followed online for free.

remountable architecture
The remountable projects of cepezed such as The Green House, the Temporary Court Amsterdam and Building D(emountable) attracted attention in Bavaria. Sieuwerts has been asked to tell German architecture students about this new form of building and architecture (design).

philosophy cepezed
Paddy Sieuwerts will tell about the basic philosophy of cepezed, as well as the philosophy of design. The starting point is always the creation of user-friendly architecture. The creation of flexible and future-proof structures with an abundance of daylight that offer a pleasant stay and optimal use. By using prefabricated and high-quality construction products, they make constructions not only efficient, but also sustainable and environmentally friendly.

cepezed method
The cepezed method of prefabrication results in a dry assembly of the various parts. As a result, buildings can not only be constructed quickly and (relatively) quietly, but thanks to smart design, a building can also be dismantled and reassembled elsewhere. cepezed has designed various buildings of this kind, the largest of which is currently being dismantled.
Remountable design and construction is a new way of thinking in construction that brings many and enormous advantages. With the current expensive raw materials and environmental standards, this could mean a revolution. For cepezed, it is a logical evolution.

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Thursday evening May 19, from 18.30 hours. Watch the lecture '(r)evolution in architecture? circularity - sustainability - futureproof' by Paddy Sieuwerts live.

about Oskar von Miller Forum
The Oskar von Miller Forum is an independent educational institution of the Bavarian construction industry.
As an international forum where people from diverse construction-related disciplines can meet and exchange ideas, the Oskar von Miller Forum contributes exciting ideas and inspiration to the education of a new generation of civil engineers, environmental engineers and architects at the Technische Universität München, the University of Applied Sciences and of construction technicians at the Städtische Baufachschule München.
Challenging lectures by high-ranking architects and engineers on current and interdisciplinary topics from construction-related fields are main elements of the programme.

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