The Zuiderstrand Theatre in Scheveningen has been officially handed over by the municipality of The Hague to the municipality of Oss. The theatre will be demounted and rebuilt in Brabant. Led by cabaret performer Sjaak Bral, who played dozens of performances there, last week, this extraordinary circular construction project was celebrated.
The official handover moment was seized by the municipality of The Hague, municipality of Oss, Theater De Lievekamp, Lagemaat, cepezedprojects and cepezed to organise a professional event on circular construction. What is the process of such a movement? Why was this selected? What does it mean in a broader (circular) sense? These questions were answered by:
• Vincent Gruis | chairman Transition Team Circular Construction Economy, professor TU Delft
• Dolf Warris | alderman for culture, climate adaptation and city centre, municipality of Oss
• Arjen Kapteijns | alderman for sustainability, municipality of The Hague
• Arend van de Beek | circular dismantling company Lagemaat
• Menno Rubbens | director cepezedprojects, circular hero 2022
• Frederique van Alphen | project architect cepezed
• Coen Bais | director of Theater De Lievekamp, Oss
This was the very last event in the Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen. Shows go on in Oss. Read and watch a report and photos of this event in the article Moving circular Zuiderstrandtheater officially launched. The video below (made by Zieno) gives an impression of the event and the project: moving circular Zuiderstrandtheater.
Looking back at very last event at zuiderstrandtheater (video and media review)

media review
Many media reported on the moving of the Zuiderstrand Theatre. Below is an overview of what has been published.
Edition NL/RTL4
'Chairs, sockets, walls. Almost everything moves from Scheveningen to Oss.' Menno Rubbens (cepezedprojects) and new user Coen Bais (Theater De Lievekamp) talk in RTL's Editie NL about this moving operation, about 'legolising', about the advantages of a second-hand theatre and about how tremendously circular this is. Watch the TV broadcast via the RTL website (8:36). Or read a report in the app/website RTL News. NB Broadcast was 21 February, 6.15pm, RTL 4.
DTV (from Oss)
"I seriously believe that history is being made with this. This is a historical event," said comedian Sjaak Bral. "This is an example. In 20-25 years' time, people will sit and watch this movie and then say: yep, that was the beginning. And the great thing is, this too starts in culture." In the newscast, reactions from Coen Bais (new owner) and Dolf Warris (Oss alderman) were also featured.
Omroep /TV West (Haaglanden region)
See how all the chairs are dismantled and how everything is carefully sorted? Menno Rubbens (cepezedprojects) takes TV West viewers behind the scenes of the vacant Zuiderstrandtheater. Watch the report and read the article by Omroep West, in which Gerd-Jan Jongerman (Lagemaat) explains the dismantling process.

kranten / online
'Shame box by the sea' makes way for housing: 'Oss gets this beautiful theatre and we trash the place'.
- AD / Haagse Courant
In a hundred thousand pieces to the south: the Hague theatre now really belongs to Oss.
- Brabants Dagblad (AD, Eindhovens Dagblad)
Oss has new theatre since today, it only stands in The Hague.
- Omroep Brabant
Zuiderstrandtheater demolished before summer, what about nuisance?
- Omroep West
Scheveningen theatre in Oss rebuilt: 'Just like LEGO'.
- RTL news
Zuiderstrandtheater moves from Scheveningen to Brabant for next to nothing.
- Volkskrant

'Legolising' is the basis of circular (re)construction. That is what demounting and remounting is also called. It works best when architect and demolisher work together. Menno Rubbens of architecture firm cepezed and Arend van de Beek of demolition and dismantling company Lagemaat explain how to move a building like the Zuiderstrandtheater and how their unique collaboration was established.
- Listen to Cobouw’s podcast Doorzagen (60) or read an English summary.
"When the Zuiderstrandtheater became a building, everyone was against it. And when it had to be demolished everyone was against it again," jokes BNR presenter Maarten Bouwhuis. But now optimism reigns, as the theatre is getting a circular second life. Co-initiator Menno Rubbens of cepezedprojects talks about it in:
- BNO Vastgoed Gezocht (17:20).

En bekijk ook deze RVO-video, gemaakt voor de Circulaire Bouweconomie in opdracht van Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, waarin alle hoofdrolspelers het circulaire proces en het project uitleggen.

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