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bravis hospital


bravis hospital 

The West-Brabant healthcare region will get a large new hospital in landscape park de Bulkenaar on the outskirts of Roosendaal. The healthcare region will be perfectly equipped for its future with this new building. The ambition for the design of the new hospital can be summarised as 'healthcare close and nature never far away'. The hospital is a design by Team aan de Schie, a collaboration between cepezed and Vakwerk Architecten. The design team also consists of ABT (constructions), BoschSlabbers (landscape plan), Deerns (installations, building physics & sustainability) and Multical (cost calculator).

  • client(s)
  • bravis
  • location
  • roosendaal
  • user(s)
  • healthcare staff and patient
  • expertise
  • architects
    cepezed interior
  • project brochure

human focused  

The building structure has been collaboratively defined in working groups and conferences consisting of a close cooperation of over 200 Bravis employees. These meetings focus on knowledge exchanges and the testing and prioritization of relationships and flows. The various processes in the hospital were visually mapped. This became the basis for the design in terms of department layout. In addition, 1-on-1 mock-ups of the consultation, examination and clinic rooms were tested.

team aan de schie

care close at hand  

The programme is divided into 4 cloverleaves: 3 generic building parts including the surgery environment and the nursing environment and 1 hotfloor building part including the treatment centre, the emergency room and medical imaging. Where the 4 building sections meet is the central heart of the hospital. As short walking distances are important for both visitors and employees, the building is organised around this heart. The stairs and lifts are located in this heart and from here, 4 compact loops lead through the 4 building sections. This gives the hospital a human scale and care is always close at hand.

team aan de schie
team aan de schie

proximity to nature  

Views of greenery have been proven to contribute to patient well-being. That is why in the new Bravis the landscape is never far away. Due to the spaced-out wings, the landscape park extends to the heart. The stepped shape of the building sections provides space for roof gardens and maximises views of the surrounding scenery. The building's floor plan and the receding floors also provide more daylight inside. On the ground floor is a restaurant, with a terrace fanning out into landscape park the Bulkenaar.

team aan de schie
team aan de schie

healing environment  

Design choices made aim to create positive health. The building breathes health through plenty of daylight, views and excellent orientation. The presence of greenery is exploited by connecting the landscape and building. Stress reduction is the basis for a healthy environment. Everyone should feel welcome in the new Bravis. Good orientation and identity contribute to this. Each building volume will therefore have its own identity through subtle differences in the interior. This helps visitors to orient themselves better.

team aan de schie


  • team aan de schie: a collaboration between cepezed, cepezedinterieur and Vakwerk architecten
  • client: bravis
  • installation, building physics and s: sustainability
  • construction: abt
  • landscape plan: boschslabbers
  • cost calculation: multical
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