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Jasper Vos, architect 

has been working at cepezed since 2016 and would like to develop into an all-round architect. He will not avoid a challenge and can switch quickly between activities thanks to his flexible attitude.

Lucas van der Wee

Jasper studied Architecture with a master's degree in Architectural Engineering at TU Delft. As a student, Jasper won the Stylos student competition with the design for an indoor pop-up playground in Delft. In 2020, he completed his professional experience period at cepezed and registered as an architect.

During his studies, he became increasingly interested in the technical side of architecture. He follows developments with interest; after all, the state of current technology determines which architecture is manufacturable at the moment. What appeals to him in cepezed is the idea that refined architecture is made from well-considered detail.

He looks with pride at his contribution to the Tinbergen building of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and the research building for Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The two projects each had their specific challenges. For the Tinbergen building, the search was for the optimal balance between the existing and the new. The Vrije Universiteit's research building posed a puzzle due to the highly complex combination of specialist program components.