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steven goeman, architect 

has been working at cepezed since 2012. He likes to seek the essence of a request for proposal and the match between design and client.

Steven studied architecture at Delft University of Technology, combining two masters: Architectural Engineering and Building Technology. His graduation project was nominated for the Archiprix 2012.

At cepezed, he appreciates sober and honest architecture without unnecessary embellishments and intelligent building structures. He likes to operate on the basis of clear principles of planning and a 'building more with less' attitude.

In the tender for the Schiphol A pier, cepezed submitted a distinctive design despite strong competition, the large number of stakeholders and the short lead time. This matched the client's ambitions and down to earth architecture. Steven participated in the design here.

Another challenging tender was the Collection Centre Netherlands. Housing various components and museums created a difficult logistical puzzle. However, the design Steven collaborated on became a succes. The building layout and floor plans hardly changed in the further stages of the project.