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debate on low-nitrogen construction

Annually, Rijksvastgoedbedrijf (RVB) organizes Market Day: an afternoon to exchange experiences and share knowledge, intended for designers and small and large market parties in construction. Last year, the themes of sustainability and circularity proved to be trending and they still are in 2023. cepezed joins a panel discussion on nitrogen.

pi scheveningen
'We need the full breadth of the market,' says Annuska Bloemert of the RVB. 'The Market Afternoon provides space to engage in conversation.' At one of the organised talks, a panel discussion on low-nitrogen construction, Ronald Schleurholts (partner cepezed) and Martijn du Prie (du Prie bouw & ontwikkeling) join Noah Baars (RVB), to talk about the construction of the care centre at the PI in Scheveningen.

The RVB is a client in Scheveningen and sees this as an exemplary project - at some points the 'nitrogen requirements' for the project are even higher than legally necessary. Earlier Market Days showed that market parties welcome such pilots, to get a grip on the possibilities. In Scheveningen, the low-nitrogen construction site is being monitored very precisely so that we can learn from it. One important lesson is that there is still far too little electric construction equipment available in the Netherlands.

60 per cent less
Noah Baars is programme manager for Clean and Emission-Free Construction at the RVB. 'There is a lot to do,' he says. 'This is because the government wants to reduce nitrogen emissions from the construction sector by 60 per cent by 2030 compared to 2021. Many market players already choose electric equipment. They also choose modular construction in a factory, so you don't need a concrete truck on construction sites, for example. The RVB wants to encourage the market to build emission-free. The use of cleaner equipment will therefore play an increasingly important role in procurement in the coming years.'

Other topics at the upcoming RVB Market Afternoon include market strategy, SME policy and digitalisation. The afternoon will take place on 26 June 2023. You can register here.

→ More on low-nitrogen construction

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