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education location laan op zuid


education location laan op zuid 

A vacant lot at Laan op Zuid in Rotterdam will accommodate an educational building for two schools. It will be a sustainable building with a wooden facade and an identity that both schools can relate to - one user is a secondary school, the other the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. A clear building structure, in which the schools are more or less placed one above the other, keeps the routing as logical as possible. A striking element on the outer façade is the yellow ramp, which continues around the corner and leads to the entrance to the secondary school.

  • client(s)
  • Gemeente Rotterdam, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Stichting BOOR
  • location
  • Rotterdam
  • user(s)
  • Hogeschool Rotterdam & Stichting BOOR
  • expertise
  • architects
    cepezed interior
  • project brochure

building in a park  

The education location will be a compact building and rich with daylight; efficient but full of atmosphere at the same time. BoschSlabbers Landscape Architects will design the exterior space, which anticipates a green route towards the Rijnhaven metro station and the future Rijnhaven Park. The stepped structure of the building provides space for several green roofs. Partly due to its all-sided wooden façade, the educational location has a friendly and open character. Even though at its highest point it has no less than nine floors. The gym is at the top, next to a 'sports roof'.

internal street  

A wide and partly storey-high inner street at ground level contains the reception desk, seating areas, call boxes, podium staircases, meeting areas and an ‘events and exhibition plaza’. Some of these functions are housed in a modular wooden wall unit. The inner street also gives access to an 'urban lab', the lifts, the bicycle shed, the 'market restaurant' and a multifunctional lecture hall. The flexible set-up of the proposed design still leaves room for further development, so that ultimately it can meet the wishes of both schools in detail.

The building will be demountable. Bio-based or reused materials will be used for the separate interior fitout. The project was awarded in July 2022. In the coming period, the design will be refined in close colaboration with Rotterdam University, the Stichting BOOR and the City of Rotterdam. Completion is scheduled for the summer of 2026.


bio-based of hergebruikt materiaal  

Het gebouw wordt als een demontabel gebouwpakket geassembleerd. Voor het losse inbouwpakket wordt veelal gebruik gemaakt van bio-based of hergebruikte materialen. De opdracht is gegund in juli 2022. De komende tijd wordt het ontwerp verfijnd in nauw overleg met Hogeschool Rotterdam, Stichting BOOR en de gemeente Rotterdam. In de zomer van 2026 moet het gebouw klaar zijn.


  • client: Hogeschool Rotterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam
  • architectural design: cepezed
  • interior design: cepezedinterieur
  • landscape design: BoschSlabbers Landschapsarchitecten
  • parametric design: Studio RAP
  • constructions: IMd raadgevende ingenieurs
  • installations: Galjema Technisch Adviesbureau
  • building physics: LBP SIGHT
  • building cost calculation: Ingenieursbureau Multical
  • lighting design: Beersnielsen
  • building team contractor: Heerkens Van Bavel Bouw
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